UC Davis

Low B12 and High Folic Acid Impacts Fetal Brain Development

Sarah Carter

Summary: New research in mice suggests that too much folic acid, a synthetic form of folate, may impact brain development. Imbalances in ...

Personality Traits: A Surprising Factor in Dementia Risk

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers revealed that certain personality traits, such as conscientiousness, extraversion, and positive affect, can reduce the likelihood of a dementia diagnosis. ...

How Farmland Can Fight Global Warming

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Scientists from UC Davis and Cornell University have discovered that applying crushed volcanic rock to croplands can store carbon in soil, even ...

Scientists Discover a “Switch” To Trigger Cancer Cell Death

Sarah Carter

Researchers have identified a vital epitope on the CD95 receptor, which can trigger programmed cell death and may enhance cancer treatments. The ...