Space and astronomy

Nasa reveals space debris that crashed onto a walking trail belonged to SpaceX

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NASA has revealed that the hunk of space debris that fell on a walking trail in the US belongs to a recently ...

Nasa astronauts ‘stranded in space’ on ISS after Boeing Starliner malfunctions as Nasa engineers race to fix capsule

Dr. Thomas Hughes

TWO Nasa astronauts have been stuck in space after riding a faulty Boeing capsule into orbit. Crews on Earth are scrambling to ...

Nasa astronauts ‘stranded in space’ on ISS after Boeing Starliner malfunctions as Nasa engineers race to fix capsule

Dr. Thomas Hughes

TWO Nasa astronauts have been stuck in space after riding a faulty Boeing capsule into orbit. Crews on Earth are scrambling to ...

Family sues Nasa after space debris from ISS smashes through roof and almost hits son as he sleeps

Dr. Thomas Hughes

THE Florida family whose house was hit by Nasa’s reckless debris are suing the multi-billion dollar space program for $80,000 in damages. ...

My pal died on Titan sub

Dr. Thomas Hughes

A BUSINESSMAN who co-founded the firm behind the Titan sub says he is willing to risk his life by going to Venus ...

Rare ‘lunar standstill’ not seen since 2006 is visible TONIGHT

Dr. Thomas Hughes

SKYGAZERS around the world will be treated to a celestial spectacle as a rare “lunar standstill” will take place tonight. For the ...

Strange white alien stone spotted on Mars is ‘like nothing ever seen before’ as scientists link it to ancient mystery

Dr. Thomas Hughes

A BIZARRE white boulder has been spotted on Mars, and scientists are trying to understand where it came from. NASA’s Perseverance Rover ...

Boeing and Nasa race to fix Starliner thrusters as return date for two astronauts is pushed back AGAIN

Dr. Thomas Hughes

BOEING and Nasa are rushing to fix Starliner’s thrusters as the return date for its two astronauts is pushed back once more. ...

Lost Nasa probe that mysteriously stopped working in deep space in 2023 suddenly sends message from 15 billion miles out

Dr. Thomas Hughes

AFTER months of disarray, a probe floating in deep space has resumed normal transmissions back to Earth. Nasa announced Friday that its ...

Earth days will eventually last 25 hours as scientists reveal when it’ll happen – and say they used to be 10 hours long

Dr. Thomas Hughes

THE length of a day on Earth will eventually stretch to 25 hours, but scientists say this should come as no surprise. ...