Sexual health

I’m 82 and up for it – so why will nobody date me?

I’m 82 and up for it – so why will nobody date me?

Sarah Carter

Dear Rachel, After nearly 60 years of marriage, my wife died of bowel cancer 15 months ago. I ministered to all her ...

The three ages at which affairs are most likely – and how to stop them

The three ages at which affairs are most likely – and how to stop them

Sarah Carter

A new book How To Be Unfaithful Without Getting Caught is shamelessly designed to tell its mostly male-readership how to cheat and ...

My PMS was so bad I wanted to die

My PMS was so bad I wanted to die

Sarah Carter

A year and a half ago, I typed seven words into Google. A few clicks later, and what showed on my screen ...

The surprising lifestyle changes that can boost your sex life, from flossing to eating sardines

The surprising lifestyle changes that can boost your sex life, from flossing to eating sardines

Sarah Carter

One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that yoga improved sexual function in 75 per cent of the women ...

How your sex affects your behaviour and health – according to science

How your sex affects your behaviour and health – according to science

Sarah Carter

While most people are familiar with the term “man flu”, men really are more vulnerable to getting ill from a circulating infection. ...

How sex affects your heart health

How sex affects your heart health

Sarah Carter

Sex can improve your heart health both short-term and long-term. (Getty Images) Sex can provide a whole host of health benefits, from ...

‘Post-divorce, I have released myself into a dating world I don’t really understand’

‘Post-divorce, I have released myself into a dating world I don’t really understand’

Sarah Carter

And you have some “work” to do on yourself before you let loose your frustrated inner kid in the online candy shop, ...

On the most sexless day of the year – here’s how to buck the trend

On the most sexless day of the year – here’s how to buck the trend

Sarah Carter

So how will you be spending the rest of your Friday? A spot of gift-wrapping and a chaste early night? Or are ...

What happens to your health if you stop having sex?

What happens to your health if you stop having sex?

Sarah Carter

“For many, the demands of daily life, work, children and other responsibilities can take precedence over intimacy, leaving little time for sex,” ...