How A Few Days In Space Can Change The Biology Of Astronauts

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Only about 600 people have ever traveled to space. The vast majority of astronauts over the past six decades have been middle-aged ...

Massive Asteroid Heading Towards Earth At 65,000 Kmph, Warns NASA

Dr. Thomas Hughes

A massive asteroid, named 2024 MT1, is hurtling towards Earth at an astonishing speed of 65,215 km/h, warned NASA. The asteroid, measuring ...

Mutating DNA, wasted muscles, and ‘blood destruction’ – horror effects of space on humans but women have big advantage

Dr. Thomas Hughes

SPACE travel wreaks havoc on the human body, a new study has revealed. A paper published May 28 in Nature Communications examined ...

NASA Reveals Spacecraft To Take Four Humans To The Moon

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Technicians used a 30-ton crane to lift NASA’s Orion spacecraft on Friday, June 28, 2024. NASA/Radislav Sinyak This is the spacecraft that ...

How SHERLOC Was Brought Back to Life on Mars

Dr. Thomas Hughes

As seen in this artist’s concept, the SHERLOC instrument is located on the end of the robotic arm of NASA’s Perseverance Mars ...

Astronaut reveals the painful truth about what it’s really like to spend six months in space

Dr. Thomas Hughes

An astronaut who spent six months living onboard the International Space Station has revealed what it’s actually like to live in space ...

Extremely rare chance to see ‘once in a lifetime event’ as explosion is travelling towards earth

Dr. Thomas Hughes

People are being warned to look out for a ‘once-in-a-lifetime-event’ after a huge explosion has been discovered to be heading towards Earth. ...

‘Hole On Mars’ Is The Latest Cave For Astronauts To Live In

Dr. Thomas Hughes

“The Little Pit” image from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona This image of a small hole on the surface of Mars is ...

Strange X and C shapes discovered in Earth’s ionosphere

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NASA scientists have just identified mysterious shapes flying above the Earth but, don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that aliens are about to ...

NASA assessment suggests potential additional delays for Artemis 3 lunar lander

Dr. Thomas Hughes

WASHINGTON — As NASA pushes ahead with a crewed lunar landing on the Artemis 3 mission in September 2026, the agency’s own ...