mental health

Night Owls Beware: Late Bedtimes Harm Mental Health

Sarah Carter

Summary: Staying up late harms mental health regardless of one’s natural sleep preference. Surveying nearly 75,000 adults, researchers discovered that both morning ...

Seven relationship crunch points to watch out for

Sarah Carter

Everyone has different boundaries on what’s acceptable. I’m always surprised that couples never discuss what they consider is crossing the line  until ...

‘When I feel depression knocking on the door, I know how to turn it away’

Sarah Carter

Philip Morgan, 66, reframed his mindset after going through a series of health challenges, including silent strokes (caused by a frontal lobe ...

‘I’ve had hallucinations of my dead cats and bump into doors’

Sarah Carter

Eventually, my GP relented and I was referred to the elderly care unit. That name really upset me – to be called ...

Gut Bacteria Gas Linked to Pregnancy Hormone, Mood Regulation, and PPD

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers discovered that gut bacteria produce a hormone involved in pregnancy and postpartum depression treatment by modifying steroids in bile. This ...

Everything that happens to your body if you stop having sex

Sarah Carter

Updated 17:31 25 May 2024 GMT+1Published 17:30 25 May 2024 GMT+1 It’ll have quite the impact on you So, you’re having a ...

Brain Molecular Changes In PTSD and Depression Revealed

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals shared and distinct molecular changes in the brain and blood of individuals with PTSD and MDD. The ...

Teen Social Networks Influence Mental Health Disorder Spread

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers found that mental disorders can spread within school social networks. By analyzing data from over 700,000 Finnish ninth-graders, they discovered ...

Porn and gaming blamed for surge in jobless young men

Robert Johnson

Women’s mental health has been suffering because of unrealistic ideals portrayed on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram. “For boys… ...

Diagnosed nymphomaniac reveals the shocking and difficult reality of living with the condition

Sarah Carter

Featured Image Credit: Getty Images/janiecbros/ArtistGNDphotography A woman who has been diagnosed with uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire (nymphomania) has shared what it’s ...