long COVID

Addiction Medication Offers New Hope for Long COVID Patients

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers identified a potential treatment for long COVID by restoring the function of ion channels in immune cells using low-dose Naltrexone. ...

How long Covid risks ‘going the same way as ME’

Sarah Carter

The term long Covid is familiar to all of us, yet the illness itself remains something of a medical mystery. “Long Covid ...

COVID’s Long Haul: Virus Lingers in Blood Years After Infection

Sarah Carter

Summary: SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, can persist in the blood and tissue of some patients for up to two years ...

MRI Reveals Lasting Brain Changes in Post-COVID Patients

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers discovered structural differences in the brain white matter of COVID-19 patients with persisting symptoms, using advanced diffusion MRI technology. This ...