Heart disease

Inside UK’s obesity capital where gorgers order McDonald’s, pizza & kebabs in SAME day from despairing delivery drivers

William Turner

A GROSSLY overweight man struggles down the steps of The Moon Under Water boozer, before heading straight for a kebab. In the ...

COVID can cause new health problems even 3 years after infection, study finds

Sarah Carter

Even as national institutions struggle to coordinate meaningful trials for possible long COVID treatments, researchers continue to tally the damage. New findings ...

Moobs, low libido and mood swings… is your man going through the manopause?

Sarah Carter

TO most women, the thought of their bloke going through a male version of the menopause is worthy of a large eye ...

Cheap 4p supplement could INCREASE heart disease risk rather than lessen it, scientists warn

Sarah Carter

TAKING cod liver oil every day could raise your risk of heart disease, a study suggests. Millions take the smelly supplements to ...

Map reveals heart disease hotspots where you’re more likely to die young

Sarah Carter

PEOPLE in Blackpool are three times as likely to die young from heart disease than those living in the wealthiest part of ...

I suffer intensely itchy skin that’s spread from my scalp down my back, face and arms to under my breasts

Sarah Carter

WHILE it is a largely preventable condition, around 13.6million of us are at risk of type 2 diabetes. Closely linked to obesity, ...

I watched both parents die with dementia

Sarah Carter

ANXIOUSLY opening the results of her DNA test, Shelle Luscombe got the news she had been dreading. It revealed she carries two ...

The 4 inflammation-busting foods that can delay the ageing process

Sarah Carter

INFLAMMATION is an essential part of our immune system’s response to injury or illness, but it’s been linked to diseases and ageing ...

HPV vaccine prevents 90% of cervical cancer cases

Sarah Carter

THE HPV jab is cutting cases of cervical cancer by 90 per cent, a new study has found. Scientists say the disease, ...

Mum dubbed ‘Bruce Bogtrotter’ saved by her little girl, 8, after £150 skinny jab nearly killed her

Sarah Carter

A MUM’S bid to transform into a “slim powerhouse” almost killed her after she used a £150 “skinny jab“. Kerry Boland collapsed ...