
Stamp duty slammed as ‘lose-lose tax’ as levy on shares ‘damaging’ UK economy

Robert Johnson

Stamp duty on shares has been slammed as a “lose-lose tax” which is discouraging investing, according to a recent survey. A recent ...

China will stop Iran from causing a global oil spike

Robert Johnson

This big change in the interest rate outlook could prove to be a dampener on the recent uptick in housing market activity ...

Google fires 28 staff after protests against cloud contract with Israel | Israel War on Gaza

Robert Johnson

Tech giant says employees engaged in ‘completely unacceptable behaviour’ during sit-in at company offices. Google has fired 28 employees following a sit-down ...

Slash benefits to get more men into work, IMF urges

Robert Johnson

“Reduced unemployment benefits and lower labour taxes are associated with higher participation for men of prime working age,” the IMF said in ...

Peacocks, Bonmarche and Edinburgh Woollen Mill owner to open 100 stores within months

Robert Johnson

The owner of Peacocks, Bonmarché and Edinburgh Woollen Mill is set to open 100 new UK high street stores over the next ...

Private equity binge threatens to trigger financial crisis, warns Bank of England

Robert Johnson

In minutes from its March quarterly meeting, the FPC said: “The private equity sector, which is closely related to private credit and leveraged lending, plays an important role ...

Get ready for 3pc interest rates, says KPMG

Robert Johnson

KPMG expects the economy to recover from the recession only slowly, with growth of 0.3pc this year and 0.9pc the next. The ...

Treasury warned glut of debt risks market malfunction

Robert Johnson

Responsibility for these funds is taken over by insurers once a fund reaches a stage known as “buyout”. However, different regulations in ...

Starship rival: Chinese scientists build prototype engine for nuclear-powered spaceship to Mars

Dr. Thomas Hughes

When fully deployed in space, the 1.5 megawatt reactor – including its heat sink – could tower as high as a 20-storey ...

West Midlands to kick off DWP trailblazer trial of new simplified benefits system to help young people into work

Sophie Anderson

A pilot scheme to help young people living in supported accommodation into work and living more independently has been launched in the ...