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G7 leaders agree to send $50bn of frozen Russian assets to Ukraine

The American deal will be the 15th of more than 30 bilateral agreements signed between Kyiv and its Western allies …

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Five hidden health conditions that make you tired and the signs to look out for

Sarah Carter

Being tired can be common for many people across the UK, with many Brits guilty of snoozing in front of the TV …

Sunak ‘understands why Brexit voters are angry about migration’

William Turner

Mr Sunak appeared to blame Boris Johnson, the former prime minister, arguing that the number of visas being issued had fallen during …

South Africa election: IFP agrees to join ANC and DA in government of national unity

Emily Foster

Image caption, The Inkatha Freedom Party leader says they won’t “lose their identity” when they join the government of national unity Article …

How will new EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles work? | Automotive industry

Robert Johnson

So what are the details, how will it affect the industry and will the price of cars on the dealership forecourt be …

“Every single asset” in Lego Horizon Adventures can be built with real bricks in real life, all thanks to the help of a team of Master Builders

Laura Adams

In Lego Horizon Adventures, if you can see something, you can recreate it in real-life,  because “every single asset” is made from …

Tough times ahead as Edinburgh Fringe launches 2024 programme

James Parker

Image source, Festival Fringe Image caption, Publication of the Fringe programme begins the countdown to the festival Article information Author, Pauline McLean …

BMW stuns to top first qualifying as Kobayashi brings out red flags

Olivia Martin

A 60-minute session took place on Wednesday evening to determine the eight cars from each of the three categories that will progress …

How Brain Maps Memories Without Movement

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Mental maps in the brain are activated when thinking about sequences of experiences, even without physical movement. In an animal study, …