
Positive Praise at Age 3 Reduces Problems by Age 7

Sarah Carter

Summary: 3-year-olds who responded positively to parental praise had fewer behavioral and emotional issues by age 5-7. Children whose behaviors were less ...

Exercise Can Slow Brain Aging Cognitive Decline

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study shows that exercise can reverse aging effects in the brain. Researchers found that physical activity alters gene expression ...

Probiotics Plus Vitamin D Improve Schizophrenia Symptoms

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study suggests probiotics with vitamin D might improve cognitive function in people with schizophrenia. The study involved 70 adults ...

Scientists Uncover Potentially Serious Side Effect of Common Cancer Drug

Sarah Carter

Recent research has revealed a significant occurrence of hyperglycemia in breast cancer patients treated with the drug alpelisib. The study highlights the ...

Childhood Slumber Shadows: Genetics Link to Sleep Quality

Sarah Carter

Summary: New research reveals that genetic variants influencing sleep patterns in adults also affect children’s sleep quality and duration. Analyzing data from ...