University of Arizona

Bennu Holds the Solar System’s “Original Ingredients”

Bennu Holds the Solar System’s “Original Ingredients”

Dr. Thomas Hughes

A microscope image of a dark Bennu particle, about a millimeter long, with a crust of bright phosphate. To the right is ...

Could They Unlock the Origins of Life?

Could They Unlock the Origins of Life?

Dr. Thomas Hughes

A microscope image of a dark Bennu particle, about a millimeter long, with a crust of bright phosphate. To the right is ...

Sharper Than Ever – Io’s Volcanic Surfaces Revealed by New Telescope Technology

Sharper Than Ever – Io’s Volcanic Surfaces Revealed by New Telescope Technology

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Jupiter moon Io, imaged by SHARK-VIS on January 10, 2024. This is the highest resolution image of Io ever obtained by an ...

How It Turned Itself Inside Out

How It Turned Itself Inside Out

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Schematic illustration with a gravity gradient map (blue hexagonal pattern) of the lunar nearside and a cross-section showing two ilmenite-bearing cumulate downwellings ...

Lonely or Alone? Revealing the Fine Line

Lonely or Alone? Revealing the Fine Line

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers have discerned the nuanced relationship between feeling lonely and actually being alone. The study revealed that loneliness creeps in when ...