University College London

Scientists Discover Potential Origin of the First “Warm-Blooded” Dinosaurs

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Recent research indicates that some dinosaurs might have developed the ability to internally regulate their body temperature during the early Jurassic period, ...

AI Unlocks the Secrets of Dark Energy in Groundbreaking Study

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The Dark Energy Survey has enhanced our understanding of the Universe, doubling the precision of dark energy measurements through AI and simulation ...

Google Doodle celebrates broadcaster Venu Chitale’s 111th birthday

Sophie Anderson

Google Doodle on Thursday celebrated broadcaster, activist, and author Venu Chitale’s 111th birthday. According to the description, Chitale began her education in ...

The Surprising Truth About Newborn Brain Development

Dr. Thomas Hughes

A new study challenges the belief that human newborns have significantly less developed brains than other primates. The study found that humans ...