synaptic plasticity

The Brain Stores 10x More Info Than Thought

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers developed a method to measure synaptic strength, precision of plasticity, and information storage in the brain. Using information theory, researchers ...

Cartilage-Like Structures Key to Brain Plasticity

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study highlights a novel mechanism of brain plasticity involving chondroitin sulfate clusters outside nerve cells. Researchers identified these cartilage-like ...

Powering Brain Repair: Mitochondria Key to Neurogenesis

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers made a groundbreaking discovery about the maturation process of adult-born neurons in the brain, highlighting the critical role of mitochondrial ...

Zombie Neurons: Unlocking the Cerebellum’s Learning Secrets

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers have identified “zombie neurons” in the cerebellum that offer new insights into how this brain region facilitates learning through past ...

How Daydreams Shape Our Brain’s Visual Response

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers made a breakthrough in understanding how daydreaming affects the brain. By studying mice, they discovered that neurons in the visual ...

Brain’s Response to Crucial Language Hub Removal: New Insights

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study provides unprecedented insights into the human brain’s response to the loss of a key language hub. During epilepsy ...

Brain Brew: How Daily Coffee Habits May Affect Brain Plasticity and Learning

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers explore how chronic caffeine consumption potentially impacts brain plasticity and the effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). The research ...