
My generation of student radicals fought for liberty. Today’s are a delusional cult

Emily Foster

Those too young to remember the tumultuous 1960s might be under the impression that what is happening in American universities now is ...

Exeter University student disciplined after flat mate overheard him saying ‘veganism was wrong’

William Turner

University of Exeter reportedly threatened to expel a philosophy student after he was overheard in his room saying veganism is wrong and ...

Battle rages between neighbours and ‘lazy’ sixth former students ‘making lives a misery’ by leaving their cars outside homes…with expletive-filled notes left on windscreens

William Turner

Locals in Ipswich, Suffolk, said students block driveways and park on pavements Have YOU been caught in a neighbourhood or parking row? ...

Former karate champ, 80, regarded as a ‘hero’ by his students is found guilty of sexual assaults on teenage boys

William Turner

Andrew Sherry has been found guilty following a trial at Liverpool Crown Court A former karate champion, 80, who was regarded as ...

Exeter University issues urgent warning to students over bad batch of heroin after rise in overdoses

Sarah Carter

 Students were told not to take drugs alone and use a ‘buddy app’ if necessary Exeter University has issued an urgent warning ...

why Gen Z gave up on clubbing

Robert Johnson

The younger Gen Z-ers went from festivals and concerts to years of lockdown, and eventually stumbled into clubs. While confined to their ...

Lockdown impact on children risks damaging productivity for decades, says OECD

Robert Johnson

With the total size of the global economy estimated at $105 trillion in 2022 (£85 trillion) in cash terms by the International ...