
Inside the huge supervolcano that could swallow entire continent if it erupts | Science | News

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Out of more than 1,000 known volcanoes in the world, only around 20 of them are classed as so-called supervolcanoes. The latter ...

The European eruption which ‘could kill millions with megatsunami’ | Science | News

Dr. Thomas Hughes

La Palma is one of Spain’s Canary Islands, a beautifully rugged bolthole just off the coast of Africa that has attracted tourists ...

Scientists uncover evidence of mysterious ‘ghost population’ in modern human DNA | Science | News

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The “ghost population” of humans, as it has been described, are believed to have lived in Africa around half a million years ...

US supervolcano experts warn is showing ‘clues of imminent eruption’ | Science | News

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Long Valley Caldera sits at the heart of California and is powerful enough to bury Los Angeles in more than 3,000 feet ...

Patient recalls crazy experience during world’s first DMT experiment | Science | News

Sarah Carter

Psychedelics ‘increasing neuroplasticity of the brain’ says expert Alexander Beiner knew something had changed but couldn’t quite put his finger on it. ...

Archaeologists taken aback by ‘ancient flip flop’ discovery | Science | News

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Think of Stone Age humans and you’ll likely have an image in your mind: weather-worn men, women, and children clad in animal ...

Yellowstone warning as 90,000 would ‘immediately’ die in eruption | Science | News

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The last supervolcanic eruption to occur on planet Earth came 27,000 years ago when Stone Age humans were crafting flints and painting ...

Story of Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot questioned as evidence ‘thin’ | History | News

Sophie Anderson

“Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot; for there is a reason why gunpowder and treason should ne’er be ...