
Bus-sized asteroid heading towards Earth at a speed of 14,400 kmph NASA warns

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has reported that a bus-sized asteroid, designated as 2024 JP1, is on a trajectory that brings it towards ...

Robots vs. Animals: Who Wins the Race in Natural Settings?

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers explored whether modern robots can outpace biological organisms in speed and agility. The study concludes that despite advances in engineering, ...

Calls for jobsworth councils to scrap speed limits which ‘serve no useful purpose’ and are fining ‘terrified’ pensioners for going 22mph

Robert Johnson

** Have you been caught just over a 20mph limit? Email [email protected] **  Police forces are trying to fine pensioners for travelling ...

Hundreds of motorists seeking to appeal speed limit fine after it emerged 50mph sign in a strict 40mph TfL zone was fake

William Turner

Furious motorists have been slapped with fines and points on their licenses  Hundreds of motorists are seeking to appeal speeding fines after ...