
Horror as ‘gifted’ private schoolboy, 16, kills himself after being blackmailed by Nigerian scammers over nude photos

Horror as ‘gifted’ private schoolboy, 16, kills himself after being blackmailed by Nigerian scammers over nude photos

William Turner

Straight A* student Dinal De Alwis had high hopes of studying at Cambridge  Dinal was a pupil at Whitgift School in Croydon ...

Maddy Cusack’s former coach Jonathan Morgan ‘had a secret three-year relationship with one of his own teenage players sparked by Snapchat, chocolate and Nando’s’… as the girl’s mother hits out at his ‘predatory’ behaviour

Maddy Cusack’s former coach Jonathan Morgan ‘had a secret three-year relationship with one of his own teenage players sparked by Snapchat, chocolate and Nando’s’… as the girl’s mother hits out at his ‘predatory’ behaviour

Olivia Martin

Sacked Sheffield United head coach Jonathan Morgan has been accused of ‘inappropriate and predatory behaviour’ by the mother of female player the ...