
Night Owls Beware: Late Bedtimes Harm Mental Health

Sarah Carter

Summary: Staying up late harms mental health regardless of one’s natural sleep preference. Surveying nearly 75,000 adults, researchers discovered that both morning ...

How Sleep and Social Media Shape Teen Brain Function

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study links shorter sleep duration in teens to higher social media usage, involving brain regions crucial for executive control ...

I sleep too much – so I flew across the world to try and find out why

Sarah Carter

There are medical risks to not getting enough sleep over a sustained period, including an increase in the likelihood of developing heart ...

Insomniacs ‘eight times more likely to commit murder’, say experts who claim disrupted sleep makes us prone to lashing out

Sarah Carter

By Emily Stearn, Health Reporter For Mailonline 15:38 29 May 2024, updated 16:03 29 May 2024 Sleep deprived people are more likely ...

I shop in my sleep because of a rare disorder

Sarah Carter

A mother-of-three with rare sleep disorder has been scammed after filling in her bank details on a dodgy site while online shopping ...

Eight lifestyle factors proven to slash your risk of dying from multiple causes, including heart attack and stroke by nearly 80 PERCENT

Sarah Carter

Nearly 1 million Americans die from cardiovascular disease each year, but following just a few key lifestyle habits could help cut down that ...

Light-Activated Drug Induces Sleep by Targeting Brain Receptors

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers developed a light-sensitive drug that enhances adenosine activity in the brain, inducing sleep in mice without genetic modification. This innovation ...

How the exact time you wake up can influence how hungry you are all day

Sarah Carter

Ever got up for an early flight and, by the time you get to the airport, you find you’re absolutely ravenous? You ...

Moobs, low libido and mood swings… is your man going through the manopause?

Sarah Carter

TO most women, the thought of their bloke going through a male version of the menopause is worthy of a large eye ...

How your hormones could be real reason behind some worrying symptoms from weight gain to sex drive and low mood

Sarah Carter

FROM weight gain to hair loss and mood swings – we have good news: it might not be you that’s to blame. ...