scientific research

Robotic third thumb tested by Cambridge University allows people to open a bottle with one hand

Laura Adams

Older and younger adults had a similar level of ability when using the technology, although there was a decline in the performance ...

Milky Way black hole Sagittarius A*’s magnetic field pictured for first time

Dr. Thomas Hughes

If a jet is discovered, it could further bolster the theory that all black holes work in the same way and they ...

Elon Musk’s Mars colony plan is ‘dangerous illusion’, says Astronomer Royal

Dr. Thomas Hughes

In 2016, Musk announced plans to build a settlement on Mars and said that he hoped to make humans a multiplanetary species. ...

Dogs have five personality types – just like people do – University of East London study finds

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The team said that the anxious/fearful personality type in dogs corresponded to the trait of neuroticism in humans, while calm/agreeable linked with ...

Hermit crabs form shells out of litter in attempt to find mates, Poznan University scientists find

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Hermit crabs are using litter as makeshift shells in an apparent attempt to find a mate, scientists have discovered. Plastic caps are ...

Three minutes of yoga every hour at work ‘can lower risk of diabetes,’ GCU study claims

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Scientists said that although Tai Chi did not improve glucose levels, it did have a positive impact on better maintenance of concentration ...

Smelling women’s tears reduces aggression in men, scientists find

Sarah Carter

Smelling women’s tears reduces male aggression, scientists have found, in a breakthrough that may help solve the mystery of why humans cry. ...

Why genetically modified fish are being bred to fight rare childhood diseases

Sarah Carter

While Qatar has taken various steps to try and address the problem, including compulsory premarital genetic screening compulsory for all residents in ...

Scientists discover for the first time how nature ‘chisels away’ tissue to form fingers in the womb

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Fingers are formed from a blob of tissue that is “chiselled away” in the womb to reveal individual digits, a study has ...

Multiple sclerosis could be cured by injecting stems cells into brain, Cambridge scientists find

Sarah Carter

The stem cells, which were cultured in a lab and originated from the brain of an aborted foetus, are injected into patients ...