
Robotic third thumb tested by Cambridge University allows people to open a bottle with one hand

Laura Adams

Older and younger adults had a similar level of ability when using the technology, although there was a decline in the performance ...

Robot Masters Terrain with Animal-Like Gait Transitions

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers leveraged deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to enable a robot to adaptively switch gaits, mimicking animal movements like trotting and pronking, ...

Robots vs. Animals: Who Wins the Race in Natural Settings?

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers explored whether modern robots can outpace biological organisms in speed and agility. The study concludes that despite advances in engineering, ...

Tiny Robotic Nerve Cuffs Promise Breakthrough in Neurocare

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers developed innovative, flexible devices that can gently wrap around nerve fibers, potentially transforming the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. ...

Britain plans ‘robocop’ force to protect nuclear sites with paint bombs

Robert Johnson

Security is a key issue for the NDA. Its Sellafield site, the largest, contains more than 100 tonnes of plutonium and 81,000 ...

Google DeepMind’s Demis Hassabis Says Gemini Is a New Breed of AI

Sophie Anderson

Demis Hassabis has never been shy about proclaiming big leaps in artificial intelligence. Most notably, he became famous in 2016 after a ...

Human Cells Transformed Into Tiny Biological Robots

Sarah Carter

An Anthrobot is shown, depth colored, with a corona of cilia that provides locomotion for the bot. Credit: Gizem Gumuskaya, Tufts University ...

Anthrobots: Tiny Biobots From Human Cells Heal Neurons

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers developed ‘Anthrobots,’ microscopic biological robots made from human tracheal cells, demonstrating potential in healing and regenerative medicine. These self-assembling multicellular ...