Unlocking the Secrets of Life With RNA’s Ancient Code

Dr. Thomas Hughes

New findings from the Salk Institute provide strong evidence for the RNA World hypothesis, revealing an RNA enzyme that accurately replicates and ...

RNA’s Pivotal Role in Fear Memory and PTSD Treatment

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers have revealed a groundbreaking role of RNA in fear-related learning and memory. Their study shows how noncoding RNA Gas5 influences ...

mRNA reading frame maintenance during eukaryotic ribosome translocation

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Ortiz, P. A., Ulloque, R., Kihara, G. K., Zheng, H. & Kinzy, T. G. Translation elongation factor 2 anticodon mimicry domain mutants ...

A Motor That’s 1/10,000th of a Millimeter

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The novel type of nanomotor with an RNA polymerase, which pulls the two “handles” together and then releases them again. This generates ...