Rishi Sunak

Alister Jack admits betting three times on election date

William Turner

Mr Jack is not a candidate for the Tories at the election and is no longer an MP in Dumfries and Galloway because Parliament has ...

Sunak should suspend betting scandal Tories, Conservative minister suggests

William Turner

Rishi Sunak should suspend Tories involved in the election betting scandal, a Tory minister has suggested. Steve Baker, the Northern Ireland minister, ...

Nigel Farage doubles down on Ukraine invasion remarks despite furore

William Turner

Nigel Farage has defied criticism relating to his claims that the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine despite the mounting backlash. The ...

Reform has tapped into something that Rishi hasn’t taken seriously

Sarah Carter

While the rest of us were watching in horror as three separate polls spelled out disaster for the party, on Wednesday afternoon ...

Don’t sleepwalk into Labour government, Sunak warns voters

William Turner

Angela Rayner today risked reigniting a row over whether Labour could increase council tax as she said the party had no plans ...

Jeremy Corbyn would have made better prime minister than Boris Johnson

William Turner

The comment is eye-catching since Sir Keir has in recent years repeatedly distanced himself from Mr Corbyn, a Left-winger who has since ...

Who won the BBC Question Time election debate? Our writers have their say

William Turner

It’s never nice watching someone struggle. While some take a positive pleasure from watching a leader badly out of their depth flounder ...

Starmer refuses five times to say if Corbyn would have been great PM

William Turner

If anyone has broken the law over betting on the general election they should face “the full force of the law”, Rishi ...

‘Unexpected’ turnaround for Tories still possible, suggests Lord Lamont

William Turner

The Tories must focus on winning over the “very, very many people” who are still “genuinely undecided” over the next two weeks, ...

Rishi Sunak’s police protection officer arrested for betting on date of election

William Turner

A police officer working in Rishi Sunak’s protection team has been arrested as part of an investigation into bets on the date ...