
Night Owls Beware: Late Bedtimes Harm Mental Health

Sarah Carter

Summary: Staying up late harms mental health regardless of one’s natural sleep preference. Surveying nearly 75,000 adults, researchers discovered that both morning ...

How Sleep and Social Media Shape Teen Brain Function

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study links shorter sleep duration in teens to higher social media usage, involving brain regions crucial for executive control ...

Gut Bacteria Gas Linked to Pregnancy Hormone, Mood Regulation, and PPD

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers discovered that gut bacteria produce a hormone involved in pregnancy and postpartum depression treatment by modifying steroids in bile. This ...

Imagination Reduces Disgust More Than Placebo

Sarah Carter

Summary: A recent study compared the effects of a placebo pill and an imaginary pill in reducing visually induced disgust. Both interventions ...

Brain Molecular Changes In PTSD and Depression Revealed

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals shared and distinct molecular changes in the brain and blood of individuals with PTSD and MDD. The ...

Teen Social Networks Influence Mental Health Disorder Spread

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers found that mental disorders can spread within school social networks. By analyzing data from over 700,000 Finnish ninth-graders, they discovered ...

Parental Distraction Negatively Impacts Child-Parent Interactions

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: A new study finds that any form of parental distraction, whether from screens or non-digital activities, negatively impacts parent-child interaction. Both ...

Decoding Empathy: Brain Circuit for Recognizing Emotions Identified

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers identified a brain circuit involved in recognizing emotions in both animals and humans. This circuit connects the prefrontal cortex and ...

Beta Oscillations Key to Understanding Depression in the Brain

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study in rhesus macaques reveals how the brain regulates depression-like states. Researchers found that a specific brain circuit connecting ...

Exercise Aids Memory Erasure in PTSD

Sarah Carter

Summary: Increased neuron formation in the hippocampus, stimulated by exercise or genetic manipulation, helps mice forget traumatic or drug-associated memories. This process ...