Penn State University

These Common Chemicals May Forever Alter Gut Health, Leading to Lifelong Disease

These Common Chemicals May Forever Alter Gut Health, Leading to Lifelong Disease

Sarah Carter

Penn State’s study reveals that early exposure to the chemical TCDF causes permanent changes to the gut microbiome in mice, increasing the ...

Webb Uncovers Ancient Galaxies That Defy Explanation

Webb Uncovers Ancient Galaxies That Defy Explanation

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Researchers investigated three mysterious objects in the early universe. Shown here are their color images, composited from three NIRCam filter bands onboard ...

New Research Shows H5N1 Bird Flu Can Transmit Through Air

New Research Shows H5N1 Bird Flu Can Transmit Through Air

Sarah Carter

Researchers at Penn State have demonstrated the airborne transmission of a new H5N1 virus strain in ferrets, marking a potential evolution of ...

Researchers Discover a Twist in How Diet Affects Aging

Researchers Discover a Twist in How Diet Affects Aging

Sarah Carter

Penn State researchers have discovered complex effects of caloric restriction on telomere loss, suggesting potential long-term health benefits from dietary adjustments that ...

“Unusually Massive” – Astronomers Discover a Planet That Shouldn’t Exist

“Unusually Massive” – Astronomers Discover a Planet That Shouldn’t Exist

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Penn State researchers have discovered an extraordinarily massive planet orbiting an ultracool dwarf star, challenging existing theories of planet and star formation. ...