
The Tories must change course, or be wiped out

Emily Foster

Let me cut to the chase so no one wastes time overanalysing this: we must not change our leader. Changing leader now ...

A religious test for space exploration?

Dr. Thomas Hughes

An editorial recently published on SpaceNews took the position that my company’s Luna Memorial Spaceflight service should not be permitted on the ...

The true tragedy of the Covid-19 vaccines

Sarah Carter

Vaccination is one of mankind’s most miraculous innovations. The eradication of smallpox, and the retreat of measles and other cruel afflictions, mean ...

My generation of student radicals fought for liberty. Today’s are a delusional cult

Emily Foster

Those too young to remember the tumultuous 1960s might be under the impression that what is happening in American universities now is ...

Russia has found the critical vulnerability in the US Abrams tank

Emily Foster

The arrival of the US M1A1 Abrams tanks in Ukraine was hailed as a turning point in the war. Coming in at ...

Renationalisation won’t fix the railways

William Turner

Those with fond memories of the old British Rail may wistfully remember breakfasts and lunches served in restaurant cars staffed by impeccably ...

A constitutional crisis over Rwanda may be Sunak’s last hope of avoiding wipeout

William Turner

The Safety of Rwanda Bill is through Parliament after the House of Lords finally bowed to the elected chamber as it is ...

Endemic misery is pushing the UK towards a civilisational catastrophe

Sarah Carter

I used to believe, like many people, that Britain’s mental health epidemic is merely the symptom of a snowflake society. That is ...

The health lobby loves trying to terrify women. I won’t listen anymore

Sarah Carter

Women, and increasingly middle-aged women, bear the brunt of the health anxiety machine. Adding to the burden, a recent Lancet report has ...

Labour is now the true party of English patriotism

William Turner

There are many moments in my life where I’ve felt great pride and gratitude to be English: being the first person in ...