open science

Parental Distraction Negatively Impacts Child-Parent Interactions

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: A new study finds that any form of parental distraction, whether from screens or non-digital activities, negatively impacts parent-child interaction. Both ...

Bird Brains: Jays Show Episodic-like Memory

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: A new study finds that Eurasian jays exhibit episodic-like memory, a type of memory previously thought to be unique to humans. ...

Stress May Boost Helping Behavior When Witnessing Injustice

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study finds that acute stress experienced while witnessing injustice can make people more likely to help victims rather than ...

Bright Light, Sharper Mind: Lighting Affects Cognition

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study explores how different light levels impact cognitive function by influencing hypothalamic activity in the brain. The study utilized ...

Cycle of Decline: Neuron Aging in Alzheimer’s Unraveled

Sarah Carter

Summary: Neurons in Alzheimer’s disease patients tend to re-enter the cell cycle and quickly progress to senescence. Using advanced snRNA-seq techniques, researchers ...

Cracking Parkinson’s: Proteins’ Aggregation Unveiled

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers employing computational models have made a significant leap in understanding the aggregation of alpha-synuclein protein, crucial in Parkinson’s disease development. ...

Music’s Universal Pulse: Body and Emotions Unite Across Cultures

Sarah Carter

Summary: A groundbreaking cross-cultural study has revealed that music universally influences bodily sensations and emotions, transcending cultural boundaries. Researchers from Western and ...

Brain Mastery Over Echoes Enhances Speech Clarity

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers have uncovered the human brain’s remarkable ability to segregate direct speech from echoes, a challenge that has long perplexed audio ...

Brain Brew: How Daily Coffee Habits May Affect Brain Plasticity and Learning

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers explore how chronic caffeine consumption potentially impacts brain plasticity and the effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). The research ...

High-Sugar Diets May Fuel Brain Decline

Sarah Carter

Summary: Research suggests a high-sugar diet, commonly associated with obesity, leads to insulin resistance in the brain and may heighten the risk ...