Nutrition and dieting

The best foods to eat for gut health

Sarah Carter

“Other good gut health foods, particularly when it comes to promoting a healthy gut lining, include pumpkin, sweet potatoes, squash, nuts and ...

Don’t waste your time on calorie counting – it doesn’t work

Sarah Carter

Although the participants reported enjoying the meals equally, there were some important differences in how they responded to them. Those on the ...

What it is, benefits and risks

Sarah Carter

Imagine a diet where no fruit and vegetables pass the lips but plenty of meat is encouraged.  Welcome to the carnivore diet, ...

Eating ultra-processed meat linked to greater risk of early death

Sarah Carter

Eating ultra-processed meat is linked to an increased risk of early death, a Harvard study over 30 years has found. Scientists tracked ...

The healthiest ‘buttery’ spreads – and the ones to avoid

Sarah Carter

Are you Team Butter or Team Spread? The relative merits of each have been the subject of slippery debate for decades. And ...

The one thing you need to do to be healthier in every decade of your life

Sarah Carter

A number of doctors refer to the period between 50 and 70 as the grim sounding “Sniper’s Alley”. That’s because this is ...

Protein bars – what they really do to your body

Sarah Carter

Protein repairs and builds tissue, reduces hunger and may even help with weight loss. Add the magic phrase “high-protein” to the packaging ...

My UPF-obsessed husband is making mealtimes a nightmare

Laura Adams

There are plenty of families overhauling their store cupboards and re-writing meal plans since the latest scary headlines about UPFs (ultra-processed foods) ...

The surprising lifestyle changes that can boost your sex life, from flossing to eating sardines

Sarah Carter

One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that yoga improved sexual function in 75 per cent of the women ...

Why middle-aged men are sitting on a heart health timebomb

Sarah Carter

Drane accepts that stress may have contributed to his ill-health: he scaled back his work commitments, finally retiring two years ago. “I ...