New Zealand

Strange structures discovered in the Pacific could change our understanding of Earth

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Scientists believe they’ve found a window into the dawn of time on Earth, and it’s hidden beneath the Pacific Ocean. A team ...

Macron heading to New Caledonia as France deploys more troops amid unrest | Politics News

Sophie Anderson

Noumea’s international airport remains closed as Australia and New Zealand say they will evacuate tourists on military aircraft. French President Emmanuel Macron ...

I deliberately let a two-metre long tapeworm live in my gut for two months, writes DR MICHAEL MOSLEY. Here’s what it felt like…

Sarah Carter

Parasites, such as leeches and tapeworms, often get a bad press, but I find them fascinating. So much so, a few years ...

Woman, 23, was ‘cooked from the inside out’ after taking antidepressants

Sarah Carter

A WOMAN says she was “cooked from the inside out” after taking antidepressants. Charlotte Gilmour suffered a severe reaction to lamotrigine – ...

Adorable baby girl looks like a real-life unicorn thanks to rare birthmark

Sarah Carter

A BABY’S rare condition has left her with a “unicorn horn” that her parents adore. Claire Burt was shocked when she first ...

World’s highest volcano spews £5,000 of GOLD every day despite being covered in ice – leaving scientists baffled – The Sun

Dr. Thomas Hughes

THE WORLD’S highest volcano has been spewing gold dust worth a small fortune on a daily basis. Amongst plumes of gas, steam, ...

As 42-year-old Kate gets treatment for cancer, doctors reveal the surprising truth about what’s REALLY behind the shocking rise of the disease in young people

Sarah Carter

Cancer has long been a disease that many people fear most — it has also long been a condition we associate with ...

Women claim they were kicked off Air New Zealand flight for being ‘too big’

Emily Foster

By Olivia Day For Daily Mail Australia Published: 02:00 GMT, 18 March 2024 | Updated: 02:48 GMT, 18 March 2024 Two women ...

Global cancer phenomenon: It’s not just America… the UK, Japan, South Africa and Australia are among dozens of countries suffering mystery spikes of all different kinds of tumors in young people

Sarah Carter

Doctors across the world are sounding the alarm over a surging epidemic of young people being diagnosed with cancers more commonly associated ...

What is a flat white? What to know about coffee drink in Google Doodle

Sophie Anderson

Customers who frequent their local coffee shops might be familiar with the subject of today’s animated Google Doodle. The doodle for Monday, ...