
Facial Expressions Key to Strong Social Bonds

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Humans may have evolved complex facial expressions to enhance social bonding. By analyzing over 1,500 natural conversations, the study found that ...

AI-Powered Pills Track Gut Health in Real Time

Sarah Carter

Summary: Scientists have created an AI-powered system to track ingestible devices that monitor disease markers in the gut. This non-invasive technology could ...

Vitamin B6 Boost Method Offers Hope for Brain Health

Sarah Carter

 Summary: Researchers discovered a way to increase vitamin B6 levels in cells by inhibiting its degradation, potentially improving memory and learning. Their ...

FUS Protein Linked to FTD and ALS Spread

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals how the FUS protein aggregates and spreads in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The ...

New Gene Discovery Could Halt Metastatic Cancer Spread

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study identifies the Gstt1 gene as crucial for metastatic cancer cell growth. Researchers found that silencing Gstt1 in metastatic ...

Sleep or Cram? Sleep is Key for Memory Retention

Sarah Carter

Summary: Sleep is crucial for memory formation, while sleep deprivation severely disrupts this process. Neurons in the hippocampus reactivating during sleep help ...

Vascular Risks Linked to Brain Health and Cognitive Decline

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals that brain topological resilience (BTR) negatively correlates with age and vascular risk factors while positively correlating with ...

Study Links Brain Region to Paranoia

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers discovered that a specific brain region, the mediodorsal thalamus, may provoke feelings of paranoia. By aligning data from studies on ...

Facial Expressions Alter Memory of Color

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Facial expressions influence memory color effect, with angry and fearful faces more strongly affected than neutral faces. Participants perceived achromatic angry ...

New Tech Maps Human Brain in Unprecedented Detail

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers developed a technology pipeline to image entire human brain hemispheres at high resolution. This breakthrough allows for detailed analysis of ...