
New Molecular Signatures Found for Alzheimer’s Disease

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers identified unique molecular signatures of blood-brain barrier dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease. They discovered altered communication between brain vascular cells mediated ...

Serotonin 2C Receptor Key to Memory

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers discovered the serotonin 2C receptor in the brain plays a crucial role in regulating memory in both humans and animal ...

AI Increases Lie Accusations, Changing How We Trust and Detect Deception

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: New research shows people are more likely to accuse others of lying when AI makes the accusation first. This insight highlights ...

Peptide Improves Cognition in Schizophrenia

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers developed a novel peptide, KS-133, to target cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. By using a brain-targeting peptide, KS-487, they successfully transported ...

Ozempic Boost Fullness Pre-Meal via Hypothalamus

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study shows GLP-1 receptor agonists increase pre-meal fullness by activating neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus. This mechanism helps prevent ...

COVID-19 Vaccines May Reduce Virus-Induced Memory Problems

Sarah Carter

Summary: COVID-19-induced cognitive impairment is linked to the protein IL-1β. Researchers found that vaccination can reduce brain inflammation and memory loss in ...

Hypothalamus Key in Switching Between Survival Behaviors

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: The hypothalamus helps humans switch between survival behaviors like hunting and escaping. Researchers used AI-enhanced fMRI scans to analyze brain activity ...

Depression Linked to Amygdala Activity

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals how depression affects brain activity in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) of rats. Using a microelectrode array, researchers ...

Discovery of Memory “Glue” Explains Lifelong Recall

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: A new study reveals the role of the molecule KIBRA in forming long-term memories. Researchers found that KIBRA acts as a ...

Key Brain Protein Reveals New Insights for Treating Neurological Disorders

Sarah Carter

Summary: A novel study uncovers how the protein Gephyrin aids in synapse formation, providing new insights into brain connectivity. The findings could ...