
AI Voices Fool Humans, But Brain Responses Differ

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: People struggle to distinguish between human and AI-generated voices, identifying them correctly only about half the time. Despite this, brain scans ...

Anxiety Doubles Parkinson’s Risk – Neuroscience News

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers found that people over 50 with anxiety have twice the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Using UK primary care data ...

Hippocampus Distinguishes Urgent from Future Goals

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers discovered how the brain prioritizes immediate and distant goals. Their study found that the hippocampus processes urgent goals faster and ...

Mindfulness Improves Sleep and Reduces Stress

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals that mindfulness helps improve sleep quality and reduce stress by focusing on the present and minimizing negative ...

Cognitive Flexibility Linked to Entrepreneurial Success

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Habitual entrepreneurs exhibit greater cognitive flexibility and increased gray matter volume in the left insula, compared to managers. This brain region ...

Resilience Linked to Healthier Brain and Gut

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals that resilient individuals show improved brain function and healthier gut microbiomes. The research highlights that resilient people ...

Ozempic May Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

Sarah Carter

Summary: GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic reduce the risk of dementia in type 2 diabetes patients. The research followed over 88,000 individuals for ...

ALS Study Reveals Subtypes and Promising Drug Target

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers identified four subtypes of ALS, which could lead to more effective, personalized treatments. The study also highlights significant molecular differences ...

Cannabis Use Linked to Severe COVID-19

Sarah Carter

Summary: Cannabis use increases the risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Analyzing records of 72,501 patients, researchers discovered that cannabis users were ...

Synthetic Peptide Reverses Alzheimer’s Symptoms

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers reversed Alzheimer’s symptoms in mice using a synthetic peptide, PHDP5, that targets brain function. The study shows that PHDP5 can ...