
SSRIs Reveal New Potential Beyond Depression Treatment

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study uncovers a key biological process targeted by SSRIs, suggesting new clinical applications. The study found that SSRIs affect ...

Light-Activated Drug Induces Sleep by Targeting Brain Receptors

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers developed a light-sensitive drug that enhances adenosine activity in the brain, inducing sleep in mice without genetic modification. This innovation ...

Ketamine’s Effect on Brain Activity Revealed

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new computational model reveals how ketamine, a widely used anesthetic and antidepressant, affects brain activity. By simulating the drug’s interaction ...

GLP-1 and NMDA Targeted Weight-Loss Drug Shows Promise

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers have developed a novel weight-loss drug that combines GLP-1 with molecules targeting NMDA receptors in the brain. This “Trojan Horse” ...

Addiction Medication Offers New Hope for Long COVID Patients

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers identified a potential treatment for long COVID by restoring the function of ion channels in immune cells using low-dose Naltrexone. ...

Risks of Antipsychotic Use in Dementia Patients

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study revealed significant risks associated with antipsychotic use in dementia patients, including increased chances of stroke, heart failure, pneumonia, ...

Treatment Relieves Chronic Lyme Disease’s Neurological Symptoms

Sarah Carter

Summary: Fibroblast growth factor receptor inhibitors, commonly used in cancer treatment, could effectively reduce neurological symptoms in patients with post-treatment Lyme disease ...

Fecal Bacteria Transplant May Improve Parkinson’s Symptoms

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new clinical trial revealed fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) as a potential new treatment for Parkinson’s disease (PD), showing significant improvement ...

Immunotherapy Shows Promise as Alzheimer’s Treatment

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers unveiled a novel approach to combat Alzheimer’s disease by activating microglia, the brain’s immune cells, to devour amyloid beta plaques, ...

Compound May Curb Alcohol Dependence

Sarah Carter

Summary: The compound LY2444296, which blocks the kappa opioid receptor, significantly reduces alcohol consumption in animal models of alcohol dependence. This study ...