
Love Hormone Oxytocin Eases Loneliness

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study finds that oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone,” can reduce acute feelings of loneliness and enhance bonding in group therapy ...

Sweet Taste Receptors Play Role in Glucose Metabolism

Sarah Carter

Summary: The sweet taste receptor, TAS1R2-TAS1R3, plays a dual role in regulating glucose metabolism. Stimulating this receptor with sucralose accelerates insulin release, ...

Pre-Pandemic Brain Wiring Predicted Teen Mental Health During COVID

Sarah Carter

Summary: A large study using pre-pandemic brain scans of adolescents reveals that brain wiring before COVID-19 predicted mental health outcomes during the ...

Practice Makes Perfect: Crystallized Memory Formation Explored

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study confirms the age-old adage “practice makes perfect.” Researchers used cutting-edge technology to observe 73,000 neurons in mice as ...

Are Scents of Nature an Untapped Well-Being Boost?

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study urges researchers to explore how the smells of nature impact human health and well-being. While the visual aspects ...

Bird Brains: Jays Show Episodic-like Memory

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: A new study finds that Eurasian jays exhibit episodic-like memory, a type of memory previously thought to be unique to humans. ...

Brain’s Arousal Fine-Tunes Visual Signals

Sarah Carter

Summary: Arousal levels directly influence how the brain processes visual information. Researchers found that the firing patterns of neurons in the thalamus, ...

Climate Change Threatens Brain Health

Sarah Carter

Summary: Climate change poses a significant threat to individuals with brain conditions. Extreme temperatures, poor sleep due to warmer nights, and adverse ...

Gut Bacteria Influence Fairness Perception

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study finds that manipulating gut bacteria through probiotic and prebiotic supplements can increase altruistic punishment behavior in humans. Participants ...

Mitochondrial Boost Reverses Protein Clumping in Aging and Alzheimer’s

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study in worms reveals a core set of insoluble proteins linked to both aging and Alzheimer’s disease. These proteins ...