Naomi Long

BBC NI general election debate: Naomi Long says people aren’t ‘in a lather of sweat’ over the border as Colum Eastwood dubs NI an ‘economic basket case’

William Turner

One of the audience member’s questions on Thursday night asked what the point in being part of the Union actually is. BBC ...

Easter Monday dissident parade in Derry: Petrol bombs thrown at media as involvement of children branded ‘reprehensible’

William Turner

Parades Commission received partial notification of gathering for ‘first time’ this yearForm lodged did not include parade from Creggan shops as police ...

Stormont talks: ‘Devil will be in the detail’ of Government’s £2.5bn package

William Turner

Northern Ireland Secretary of State Chris Heaton-Harris held talks about Stormont’s dire economic situation with the five main political parties yesterday. It ...

Sinn Féin claim over Windsor Framework talks is ‘totally incorrect’ – NI Office

William Turner

Sinn Fein had said the UK Government confirmed to the republican party’s leadership that “the Windsor Framework negotiation with the DUP is ...