Light-Activated Muscles Beat Fatigue – Neuroscience News

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers have developed a new approach to muscle control using light instead of electricity. This optogenetic technique allows for more precise ...

Ketamine’s Effect on Brain Activity Revealed

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new computational model reveals how ketamine, a widely used anesthetic and antidepressant, affects brain activity. By simulating the drug’s interaction ...

MIT Researchers Discover the Universe’s Oldest Stars

Dr. Thomas Hughes

MIT astronomers discovered three of the oldest stars in the universe, and they live in our own galactic neighborhood. The stars are ...

Quantum Breakthrough As MIT Achieves Unprecedented Atomic Proximity

Dr. Thomas Hughes

MIT physicists developed a technique to arrange atoms (represented as spheres with arrows) in much closer proximity than previously possible, down to ...

MIT’s new AI tech could make limbless, slimy, squishy robots a reality 

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Researchers have long been working on creating a robot capable of fluidly altering its shape to navigate tight spaces. Such a technology ...

Brain Veins as Light Detectors: A New Path to Deep Brain Imaging

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers innovated a novel bioluminescence detection technique to image deep brain structures, circumventing the challenge of light scattering. This method involves ...

Beta Rhythms May Be Master Regulators of Cognitive Control

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study highlights the critical role of beta rhythms (14-30 Hz) in orchestrating cognitive processes. The research synthesizes experimental data ...

MIT’s Revolutionary CO2 Conversion Technology

Dr. Thomas Hughes

MIT chemical engineers have created an efficient method to convert carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide, using a DNA-tethered catalytic process that could ...

Life on Venus? MIT’s “Absolutely Surprising” Discovery of Amino Acid Stability

Dr. Thomas Hughes

MIT researchers have found that amino acids — major building blocks for life on Earth — are stable in highly concentrated sulfuric ...

Brain Circuit Balances Speech and Breath

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers identified a brain circuit that harmonizes vocalization with breathing, ensuring that speech occurs predominantly during exhalation. This circuit, which regulates ...