
Decoding Life’s Origins With Lost Biochemical Clues

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Metabolism is the “beating heart of the cell”. New research from ELSI retraces the history of metabolism from the primordial Earth to ...

New Study Shows Fat-Busting Effects

Sarah Carter

Researchers have found that kombucha tea’s microbes produce fasting-like effects on fat metabolism in worms, suggesting potential health benefits for humans, though ...

Sweet Taste Receptors Play Role in Glucose Metabolism

Sarah Carter

Summary: The sweet taste receptor, TAS1R2-TAS1R3, plays a dual role in regulating glucose metabolism. Stimulating this receptor with sucralose accelerates insulin release, ...

Intermittent Fasting May Prevent Liver Cancer, New Research Shows

Sarah Carter

Fatty liver disease often leads to chronic liver inflammation and can even result in liver cancer. German researchers found that a 5:2 ...

Brown Fat’s “Off Switch” Discovery Combats Obesity

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers have made significant discoveries about brown adipose tissue (BAT), which is known for its calorie-burning capabilities. Their study identifies a ...

New Research Suggests That Cutting Exposure to Common Chemicals Could Slow Aging

Sarah Carter

Researchers at Nagoya University have linked aldehydes, byproducts from alcohol, pollution, and smoke, to premature aging and DNA damage, proposing potential strategies ...

Keto Diet May Improve Mental Health Symptoms

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new pilot study presents a compelling case for the ketogenic diet as a dual-action treatment for individuals with serious mental ...

Tardigrade Proteins Slow Aging in Human Cells

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Researchers have discovered that proteins from tardigrades, known for surviving extreme conditions, can slow molecular processes in human cells, offering promising applications ...

New Research Indicates That Popular Diabetes Drug Could Impact Brain Development During Pregnancy

Sarah Carter

Research indicates that metformin, while beneficial for pregnant animals, might not positively affect their offspring, underscoring the complexity of managing gestational diabetes ...

THC Metabolism Could Influence Cannabis Use Disorder Risk

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers linked differences in THC metabolism to varying effects of cannabis use and the risk of developing Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). ...