mental health

Anxiety Doubles Parkinson’s Risk – Neuroscience News

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers found that people over 50 with anxiety have twice the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Using UK primary care data ...

Mindfulness Improves Sleep and Reduces Stress

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals that mindfulness helps improve sleep quality and reduce stress by focusing on the present and minimizing negative ...

The day I walked out on my 20-year marriage

Sarah Carter

I am loading the debris of a family dinner into the dishwasher. I haven’t rinsed and am cramming them in haphazardly –  ...

Prior LSD Use Linked to Lower Psychological Resilience

Sarah Carter

Summary: Lifetime LSD use is linked to higher severe psychological distress after job loss, a new study reveals. Analyzing data from 15,854 ...

Could a Brain Scan Reveal the Best Treatment for You?

Sarah Carter

Researchers at Stanford Medicine have identified six biological subtypes of depression using brain imaging and machine learning, paving the way for precision ...

‘I was thrown on to the slag heap by the MOD, but now a weight has been lifted’

Sarah Carter

Returning home was a relief, but Owers’ PTSD symptoms were steadily becoming more apparent, even outside of the theatre of war. He ...

Vitamin B6 Boost Method Offers Hope for Brain Health

Sarah Carter

 Summary: Researchers discovered a way to increase vitamin B6 levels in cells by inhibiting its degradation, potentially improving memory and learning. Their ...

Study Links Brain Region to Paranoia

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers discovered that a specific brain region, the mediodorsal thalamus, may provoke feelings of paranoia. By aligning data from studies on ...

NHS has shared a list of common signs that you might be an adult with ADHD

Sarah Carter

The NHS has shared a list of the common symptoms that adults with ADHD might suffer from. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ...

How Antidepressants Treat Major Depression

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers have developed a new framework explaining how antidepressants, like SSRIs, treat major depressive disorder (MDD) by restoring brain connectivity rather ...