
The best measures to reduce barcode lips and mouth wrinkles, including the drink you need to hydrate the skin

Sarah Carter

The skin around a woman’s mouth will often give away her age. Wrinkles begin to set in over time and some develop ...

Can coming off statins increase your risk of a heart attack?

Sarah Carter

The concept of entropy dictates that everything in life naturally breaks down and so we must make conscious effort to stop problems ...

‘I lost 12st 4lb by swapping out key foods in my diet and walking 30 minutes a day’

Sarah Carter

Given the prevalence of sugar and salt in the Western diet, it’s a surprise food addiction isn’t yet widely recognised in medical ...

‘Go to hell!’ Nigel Farage tells BBC where to go as he is asked to sign their diversity monitoring form

James Parker

Reform UK’s Honorary President Nigel Farage has hit out at the BBC after the broadcaster left him outraged by a ‘diversity monitoring ...

Crepey skin: The top dietary measures to stop skin sagging

Sarah Carter

Crepey skin, which appears thin and finely wrinkled like crepe paper, stems from a score of factors related to ageing, with sun ...

Alastair Stewart gives update on his dementia battle

Sarah Carter

The legendary broadcaster has given GB News members an update on his health as he continues his battle with vascular dementia. In ...

Can pickled vegetables increase the risk of cancer?

Sarah Carter

One of the most important axioms in health is that correlation is not causation. Understanding this simple fact clears up a lot ...

Full meal plan to torch excess belly fat and alleviate symptoms

Sarah Carter

Menopause is defined as a year or more since the day a woman had her last period, and women typically go through ...

After 6,000 high street branches disappear, should banks be allowed to shut even more sites? VOTE HERE

Robert Johnson

The number of bank branch closures in the UK over the last nine years has hit 6,000, according to new research from ...

‘I went from a size L to S at 57 with the help of three carbohydrates’

Sarah Carter

The science of metabolism has a hold on British scientists, and their research confirms that losing weight is a multi-faceted and relatively ...