
How SHERLOC Was Brought Back to Life on Mars

Dr. Thomas Hughes

As seen in this artist’s concept, the SHERLOC instrument is located on the end of the robotic arm of NASA’s Perseverance Mars ...

The Mystery of Aganippe Fossa

Dr. Thomas Hughes

This image from ESA’s Mars Express shows Aganippe Fossa, a fascinating groove at the foot of Mars’s colossal Arsia Mons volcano. Credit: ...

‘Hole On Mars’ Is The Latest Cave For Astronauts To Live In

Dr. Thomas Hughes

“The Little Pit” image from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona This image of a small hole on the surface of Mars is ...

Could this plant make Mars habitable? Desert moss found in Tibet that can survive freezing temperatures and lethal cosmic rays could help terraform the Red Planet, study says

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NASA and Elon Musk’s SpaceX are both planning to put humans on Mars in the next 20 years – but a key hurdle ...

How NASA InSight’s Seismic Data Is Rewriting Martian History

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Recent findings from the InSight mission reveal that Mars experiences 280 to 360 significant meteorite impacts annually, far exceeding previous estimates based ...

Accident alert! NASA captures image of ‘space potato’ on a collision course with Mars | See photo

Dr. Thomas Hughes

One of the two moons of Mars, Phobos, is on its path to collide with the giant Red Planet. The National Aeronautics ...

Can astronauts’ bodies actually survive Mars missions?

Dr. Thomas Hughes

As the likes of Elon Musk continue to promote their grand plans to one day send humans to Mars, new research suggests ...

‘Impossible’ Discovery Of Frost Near Equator

Dr. Thomas Hughes

This image shows Olympus Mons, the tallest volcano not only on Mars but in the entire Solar System. … [+] The volcano ...

Elon Musk hails ‘epic achievement’ as Starship returns to Earth

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Elon Musk’s Starship has successfully returned to Earth for the first time, completing its fourth mission and several critical tests before splashing ...

NASA Mars Rover Picks Up Pet Rock Named ‘Dwayne’

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover snapped a view of one of its rear wheels with a rock inside it on May … [+] ...