Johns Hopkins Medicine

Cancer Drug May Halt Parkinson’s Spread

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers discovered a novel therapeutic target for Parkinson’s disease, the Aplp1 protein, which facilitates the spread of harmful alpha-synuclein proteins in ...

Mice Strategize: Clever Rodents Test Hypotheses

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Mice are capable of strategic thinking and hypothesis testing, challenging previous perceptions of their cognitive abilities. By observing mice’s responses to ...

COVID-19 Didn’t Delay Development As Much As Believed

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study found only modest developmental delays in children aged 5 and under due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Analyzing data ...

Proteasomes May Be Key to Sensory Signals

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers discovered a novel role of the proteasome, traditionally known as the cell’s waste processor, in nerve cells. Their findings reveal ...

Protein Discovery Sheds Light on Circadian Rhythms

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers identify a crucial protein, Tenm3, in mice’s visual system that stabilizes circadian rhythms by modulating the brain’s response to light. ...