James Webb Space Telescope

Webb Uncovers Most Distant Known Galaxy – “Most Significant Extragalactic Discovery to Date”

Dr. Thomas Hughes

This infrared image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (also called Webb or JWST) was taken by the NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) for ...

Webb Space Telescope Cracks Case of Puffy “Microwaved Marshmallow” Exoplanet

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The warm gas giant WASP-107 b, known for its unusually low density and moderate temperature, may have its puffed-up atmosphere due to ...

Webb Finds Atmosphere on Rocky Exoplanet For the First Time

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, scientists may have identified atmospheric gases on 55 Cancri e, a super-hot, rocky exoplanet. This discovery ...

Webb Maps Weather on Extreme Exoplanet WASP-43 b

Dr. Thomas Hughes

This artist’s concept shows what the hot gas-giant exoplanet WASP-43 b could look like. WASP-43 b is a Jupiter-sized planet circling a ...

NASA’s James Webb captures ‘sharpest’ images of the Horsehead Nebula that sits 1,300 light-years away from Earth

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NASA’s high definition, ‘heat vision’-focused James Webb Space Telescope has just captured the most detailed images yet of the Horsehead Nebula’s billowing ‘mane.’ For ...

Insights From JWST’s Discovery of an Einstein-Ringed Galaxy

Dr. Thomas Hughes

JWST discovered the ancient galaxy JWST-ER1g, featuring a unique Einstein ring that aids in studying the galaxy’s high dark matter density and ...

JWST Witnesses the Dawn of Starlight

Dr. Thomas Hughes

By ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D) April 11, 2024 JWST shows details of a massive ...

Webb Reveals the Early Universe’s Giant

Dr. Thomas Hughes

By Dr. Kit Boyett, University of Melbourne March 28, 2024 Recent observations by the James Webb Space Telescope have uncovered Gz9p3, an ...

The universe is twice as old as anyone thought, study suggests

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The universe might be twice as old as we thought. (Getty Images) The universe might be almost twice as old as we ...

NASA’s Webb and Hubble Team Up To Solve Universe Expansion Rate Puzzle

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The “Hubble Tension,” a discrepancy in the universe’s expansion rate, is scrutinized through the combined efforts of the Hubble and James Webb ...