
High BMI Linked to Weak Smell-Eating Circuit in Brain

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals a novel brain circuit linking the sense of smell and eating behavior. The weaker the connection between ...

Brain’s Motivation Mechanics: How Hunger Drives Goal Pursuit

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers unveiled how the brain’s thalamus navigates hunger-driven motivation. Through innovative experiments with mice, the study explores the role of two ...

Eating with Your Eyes and Gut? How Your Brain Decides When to Eat

Sarah Carter

Summary: The science of eating behavior goes beyond hunger cues; it involves sensory stimuli, internal signals, and the gut-brain connection. External cues ...

How Hunger Influences Decision-Making – Neuroscience News

Sarah Carter

Summary: A study in mice reveals that a hunger hormone produced in the gut directly affects the brain’s hippocampus when an animal ...