Health and Fitness

The health risks of being a skinny old person – and how to stay strong

Sarah Carter

Build up the length of your walks slowly  Walking is the starting point for someone who wants to strengthen their heart and ...

Test to detect if breast cancer will return ‘100 per cent accurate’

Sarah Carter

A blood test that can detect if breast cancer will return with “100 per cent accuracy” has been developed by scientists. The ...

For three years I avoided looking in the mirror – then I lost 5 stone in 11 months

Sarah Carter

Sometimes you need other people to see the things you’re not seeing. For three years, I’d been avoiding looking in the mirror, ...

Seven relationship crunch points to watch out for

Sarah Carter

Everyone has different boundaries on what’s acceptable. I’m always surprised that couples never discuss what they consider is crossing the line  until ...

‘When I feel depression knocking on the door, I know how to turn it away’

Sarah Carter

Philip Morgan, 66, reframed his mindset after going through a series of health challenges, including silent strokes (caused by a frontal lobe ...

‘I’ve had hallucinations of my dead cats and bump into doors’

Sarah Carter

Eventually, my GP relented and I was referred to the elderly care unit. That name really upset me – to be called ...

I sleep too much – so I flew across the world to try and find out why

Sarah Carter

There are medical risks to not getting enough sleep over a sustained period, including an increase in the likelihood of developing heart ...

Six reasons walking is still the ultimate exercise

Sarah Carter

Walking ticks so many boxes, improving our brain, mental and musculoskeletal fitness as well as physical fitness. Whether you’re a new parent, ...

nine foods that improve your brain health

Sarah Carter

The old adage, you are what you eat, applies to both our body and mind. “There’s no doubt that food and mood ...

I used to be obsessed with tanning – then skin cancer made me stop

Sarah Carter

The incidence of melanoma has risen faster than any other cancer in Britain. One in 36 men and one in 47 women ...