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Why your thyroid can have such a big impact on your health

Sarah Carter

One in 20 people in the UK have a thyroid problem, with women six times more likely to than men, research shows. ...

Who is Nicholas Rossi? Channel 4 investigates ‘Arthur Knight’ fugitive who faked his death

Sophie Anderson

Nicholas Rossi is a man with many names and many faces, and he is the subject of Channel 4’s newest true crime ...

The Japanese superfoods you should be eating

Sarah Carter

The Japanese diet is often praised for promoting healthy eating and longevity. As Japan is home to some of the world’s longest-living ...

Why we’re taking inspiration from Anya Taylor-Joy and her collection of supersized sun hats

Sophie Anderson

The Cannes Film Festival’s dress code holds a strange sartorial middle-ground – it’s resortwear, meets red carpet. Getting the brief exactly right ...

How to prevent low testosterone as study links it to early death

Sarah Carter

Males with high levels of testosterone, often dubbed “men’s men” could potentially live longer, that’s been suggested by a new study linking ...

Does a high-fat diet raise the risk of Alzheimer’s disease?

Sarah Carter

Various research has linked a high-fat diet to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia. In the ...

Students at University of Birmingham warned of possible legal action over Gaza encampment

William Turner

Students at Birmingham University have been told they could face legal action if they do not remove their encampment against the war ...

Floella Benjamin reveals surprising side effect of her fame

Sophie Anderson

What did you miss? Floella Benjamin has revealed she has to schedule in an extra half an hour every time she goes ...

11 diet mistakes that make people feel hungry all the time

Sarah Carter

It’s 10am and your stomach is grumbling. You’re trying to focus on work but you’re already thinking about what you’re going to ...

Myths about Parkinson’s disease you shouldn’t believe, according to experts

Sarah Carter

Is what you know about Parkinson’s accurate? (Getty Images) From Jeremy Paxman and Michael J. Fox to Hollyoaks’ Lysette Anthony, celebrities sharing ...