
A Relic of Ancient Oceans and Planetary Collisions – Scientists Shed New Light on Earth’s Mysterious D” Layer

Dr. Thomas Hughes

A study suggests Earth’s D” layer, near the core-mantle boundary, formed from a magma ocean created by a massive impact. Iron-magnesium peroxide, ...

The Largest Ice Shelf in Antarctica Is Behaving Oddly

Dr. Thomas Hughes

By Washington University in St. Louis May 25, 2024 Research from Washington University in St. Louis reveals that the Ross Ice Shelf ...

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Uncovers Signs of an Earth-Like Environment on Ancient Mars

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NASA’s Curiosity rover continues to search for signs that Mars’ Gale Crater conditions could support microbial life. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS Manganese-rich sandstones discovered ...

“A Total Surprise” – Geologists Uncover New Origin Story for Deadly Seattle Fault

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The Seattle fault zone, a network of shallow faults threatening the Puget Sound region, has a new origin story based on a ...

Mystery of Volcanic Tsunami Solved After 373 Years

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Scientists used modern imaging techniques to study the 1650 Kolumbo underwater volcano eruption, revealing that a landslide followed by an eruption caused ...

Researchers Find Evidence of a Lost Planet, Theia, Deep Within Earth’s Core, Shedding Light on the Moon’s Mysterious Origins

Dr. Thomas Hughes

In a recent study, scientists at the California Institute of Technology say that two massive, iron-rich structures lying close to Earth’s core ...