
Six reasons walking is still the ultimate exercise

Sarah Carter

Walking ticks so many boxes, improving our brain, mental and musculoskeletal fitness as well as physical fitness. Whether you’re a new parent, ...

Exercise Aids Memory Erasure in PTSD

Sarah Carter

Summary: Increased neuron formation in the hippocampus, stimulated by exercise or genetic manipulation, helps mice forget traumatic or drug-associated memories. This process ...

Exercise Can Slow Brain Aging Cognitive Decline

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study shows that exercise can reverse aging effects in the brain. Researchers found that physical activity alters gene expression ...

Exercise Warps Time Perception – Neuroscience News

Sarah Carter

Summary: People perceive time as moving slower when they are exercising compared to resting or post-exercise. The research involved participants undergoing a ...

Reciprocal Relationship Between Depression and Exercise

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers uncovered a reciprocal relationship between depression and physical activity in adults. The findings reveal that current depression symptoms can deter ...

Exercise Enhances Brain Function Through Muscle-Nerve Interaction

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers uncovered a critical link between exercise, muscle function, and brain health. Their study reveals that nerves activating muscles during exercise ...

Scientists Uncover Winning Combination of Diet and High-Intensity Exercise

Sarah Carter

A recent study highlights that combining time-restricted eating with high-intensity functional training enhances body composition and cardiometabolic health more effectively than either ...

James Cleverly can do 100 – but can you do 10? Here’s why press-ups matter

Sarah Carter

Studies have repeatedly shown that being physically fit lowers the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, some cancers, depression, dementia and ...

Exercising in Nature Reduces Depression, Improves Health

Sarah Carter

Summary: Engaging in physical activity in natural settings like parks and beaches could prevent around 13,000 cases of non-communicable diseases annually in ...

Moderate Exercise Linked to Lower Depression Risk

Sarah Carter

Summary: Low to moderate intensity exercise significantly reduces depression rates. The umbrella review analyzed global studies and found a 23% decrease in ...