environmental neuroscience

Bright Light, Sharper Mind: Lighting Affects Cognition

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study explores how different light levels impact cognitive function by influencing hypothalamic activity in the brain. The study utilized ...

Paints and Pesticides Linked to ALS Risk

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals a possible link between storing chemicals in home garages and an increased risk of developing amyotrophic lateral ...

Nose vs. Gut: Unraveling Parkinson’s Toxic Origins

Sarah Carter

Summary: A pivotal hypothesis paper challenges existing theories on Parkinson’s disease origins, proposing environmental toxicants as key culprits. This study suggests that ...

The Impact of Violent Neighborhoods on Brain Development

Sarah Carter

Summary: Children living in violent neighborhoods exhibit increased amygdala reactivity, signaling heightened sensitivity to threats, which can affect mental health and socioemotional ...

Urban Living’s Impact on Early Childhood Development

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study highlights the significant impact of urban environments on the growth and development of children during their first 2000 ...

Warming World, Changing Minds: Climate’s Effect on the Brain

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study highlights the potential impact of climate change on human brain function. This international collaboration points out that environmental ...