Digital Features

I disowned my brother and feared for my life after he was jailed for rape

William Turner

GUILTY. Just one word was all it took for the lives of Andrew Malkinson and his family to be destroyed. Sister Sarah ...

Inside UK’s obesity capital where gorgers order McDonald’s, pizza & kebabs in SAME day from despairing delivery drivers

William Turner

A GROSSLY overweight man struggles down the steps of The Moon Under Water boozer, before heading straight for a kebab. In the ...

Too poor to ride a bus & hounded by yobs who attack homeless… tragic life inside crumbling UK town ‘forgotten’ by world

William Turner

WITH a council £1.3 billion in debt and services cut to the bone, most people in hard-up Tilbury have given up on voting. The ...

I’m a Brit who quit UK for Spain

Robert Johnson

POPPING out for a pint or ordering her favourite coffee, Holly Cope knows she won’t be breaking the bank. That’s because the ...

Sacha Baron Cohen’s bitter feuds left him wearing bulletproof vests to work & saw rock star threaten to STAB him in eye

James Parker

HE’S the controversial comedy actor who has made an army of enemies during his three-decade-long career. Now Sacha Baron Cohen, 52, has ...

I slept with a Samurai sword after ‘Can I Tell You a Secret’ stalker Matthew Hardy tormented me with cruel games

James Parker

THE phone pings and the words ‘Can I tell you a secret?’ pops up on the screen.  This intriguing message, seemingly sent ...

I went from being too poor to afford KFC to billionaire… now I’ve lost everything after mobsters fleeced me out of £725m

Robert Johnson

BOB Bull had it all – with a personal fortune of £1.9billion. In spring last year Britain’s biggest bungalow builder joined The ...

Our girls were joined at the HEAD at birth & shared skull

Sarah Carter

TWINS Ritaj and Rital Gaboura may look alike but, together, they are unique – having beaten a one in a million chance ...

I travelled in time while out shopping

William Turner

STROLLING along her local high street on a Saturday afternoon, Julie French did a double take. In the place of a bookstore ...

We live in ‘The Boneyard’ – it’s the UK’s most desperate area for the homeless at Christmas… thugs even set us on FIRE

William Turner

DESPERATE victims of homelessness say a wave of abuse and humiliation at Christmas is turning Britain’s streets into a ‘boneyard’. Last weekend, ...