
Drivers issued urgent warning of looming fuel crisis with ‘significant disruption’ from strikes

Robert Johnson

Motorists are being warned of potential fuel shortages across the North West of England and along the Scottish borders as a number ...

Claims of profiteering as average fuel prices rise by 10p since start of the year

Robert Johnson

Petrol and diesel prices have risen by 10p since the start of the year, adding £5.50 to the cost of filling up ...

Fuel prices spiral with 10p a litre hike as drivers demand an end to ‘unfair’ costs

Robert Johnson

New research has found that the price of fuel has jumped 10p since the start of the year as drivers adapt to ...

Drivers urged to save £1,800 a year by ditching petrol and diesel cars for electric

Robert Johnson

Switing to an electric vehicle could help motorists save as much as £1,800 a year as petrol and diesel costs continue to ...

Driving law plans could see 2035 car ban and EV grants scrapped

Robert Johnson

Experts are calling on the Government to scrap the petrol and diesel car ban and end all electric vehicle subsidies after it ...

‘Tax it or lose it!’ DVLA warns drivers to make sure vehicles are properly registered as new rates roll out

Robert Johnson

The DVLA has warned drivers to ‘tax it or lose it’ as it rolls out the latest vehicle excise duty fares for ...

Drivers warned of car tax changes for petrol and diesel owners

Robert Johnson

New vehicle tax rates have been unveiled which will result in British drivers paying more to ensure their cars are suitable for ...

Taxi drivers warn they will be ‘wiped out’ in the New Forest under new council plans to ban cabbies whose petrol or diesel cars are more than five years old

Laura Adams

The ban is set to come into force in January 2026  Taxi drivers in a national park have warned they could be ...

Drivers warned that petrol station trips may cost £137 more without urgent changes

Robert Johnson

Drivers have been warned that they could find themselves spending £3 extra every time they fill up unless the fuel duty freeze ...

Driving law changes being introduced in March

Robert Johnson

Motorists around the UK are being warned of new driving laws set to be introduced over the coming month that could impact ...