
Could a Brain Scan Reveal the Best Treatment for You?

Sarah Carter

Researchers at Stanford Medicine have identified six biological subtypes of depression using brain imaging and machine learning, paving the way for precision ...

Vitamin B6 Boost Method Offers Hope for Brain Health

Sarah Carter

 Summary: Researchers discovered a way to increase vitamin B6 levels in cells by inhibiting its degradation, potentially improving memory and learning. Their ...

How Antidepressants Treat Major Depression

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers have developed a new framework explaining how antidepressants, like SSRIs, treat major depressive disorder (MDD) by restoring brain connectivity rather ...

Poor Diet Tied to Brain Changes Linked to Depression

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals that a poor quality diet may lead to brain changes associated with depression and anxiety. Researchers found ...

‘When I feel depression knocking on the door, I know how to turn it away’

Sarah Carter

Philip Morgan, 66, reframed his mindset after going through a series of health challenges, including silent strokes (caused by a frontal lobe ...

People with ancient viruses in their DNA are more prone to depression, study reveals

Sarah Carter

By Stacy Liberatore Deputy Science And Technology Editor For Dailymail.Com 21:37 31 May 2024, updated 21:59 31 May 2024 Ancient viruses are ...

Brain Molecular Changes In PTSD and Depression Revealed

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study reveals shared and distinct molecular changes in the brain and blood of individuals with PTSD and MDD. The ...

Beta Oscillations Key to Understanding Depression in the Brain

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study in rhesus macaques reveals how the brain regulates depression-like states. Researchers found that a specific brain circuit connecting ...

JOHNNY NELSON: Thuggish and rude, Tyson Fury and his camp left me cold with their conduct in Saudi… mental health issues don’t excuse his behaviour and it’s time to say ‘we’ve had enough’

Laura Adams

Let me address the elephant in the room, sympathy for Tyson Fury this morning is thin on the ground. I always love ...

Woman gave HERSELF poo transplants to treat IBS

Sarah Carter

A WOMAN gave herself DIY faecal transplants using her brother and boyfriend’s poop. Though they eased her debilitating gut issues she suddenly ...